This is my personal website. Till September 2021 I worked as Honorary Fellow at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. From 2007 till 2016 I worked as Professor of Global Economic History at the University of Vienna, Austria. Before that I had several jobs at the Universities of Leiden and Nijmegen. I here only refer to my main publications. Almost all of them are on Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peer_Vries

An East Asian route of industrialization? The case of Japan, 1868-1937 (Brill Publishers, Series:
Library of Economic History, Volume: 17, 2022) XVIII and 487 pages.
Library of Economic History, Volume: 17, 2022) XVIII and 487 pages.

Peer en Annelieke Vries, Atlas of material life. Northwestern Europe and East Asia, 15th to 19th century (Leiden University Press, November 2020) 344 pages.
Look inside: Table of Contents and some pages
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Look inside: Table of Contents and some pages
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Averting a great divergence. State and economy in Japan, 1868-1937 (Bloomsbury Academic; 1st Edition (August 8, 2019, hardback. Paperback March 2021) 310 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com.

A Chinese version, with a new introduction, of State, economy and the Great Divergence. Great Britain and China 1680s to 1850s (CITIC Press Corporation, 2018) 587 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com.

State, economy and the Great Divergence. Great Britain and China, 1680s - 1850s (Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2015) 504 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com.

Escaping poverty. The origins of modern economic growth, (Vienna University Press and V&R unipress, Vienna and Göttingen,2013) 516 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com

Ursprünge des modernen Wirtschaftswachstums. England, China und die Welt in der Frühen Neuzeit (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013) 541 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com

Zur politischen Ökonomie des Tees. Was uns Tee über die englische und chinesische Wirtschaft der Frühen Neuzeit sagen kann (Böhlau Vienna, Cologne, Weimar, 2009) 161 pages.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site.

A Chinese translation, with a new Introduction of seven pages of my Via Peking back to Manchester. Britain, the Industrial Revolution, and China (Zhejiang University Press, 2009) 143 pages.
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Buy at Amazon.com

Via Peking back to Manchester. Britain, the Industrial Revolution, and China (Leiden 2003) 109 pages, a revised, greatly extended and updated version of my inaugural lecture at Nijmegen University in 2001.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site.

Verhaal en betoog. Geschiedbeoefening tussen postmoderne vertelling en sociaal-wetenschappelijke analyse (Leiden 1995). PhD Thesis, 657 pages. (Story and argument. The study of history between postmodern story-telling and social-scientific analysis).

Vertellers op drift (Storytellers adrift), Cahiers Sociale Geschiedenis, 8, (Uitgeverij Verloren Hilversum, 1990) 159 pages.
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Buy at Bol.com
Editor of Special Issues

Global History. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 20, 2, 2009.

The European Miracle. Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History, 23, 3/4, 2000.

Het Westen: een geval apart? Theoretische Geschiedenis, 25, 4, 1998, together with Ed Jonker.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site, (2023) 20p.
‘Colonizing Japan and colonized China, 1840s-1930s'.
I published the text on my Researchgate-site.
‘A limited view of government.’ A review of Mark Koyama and Jared Rubin, How the world became rich. The historical origins of economic growth (Cambridge / Medford 2022).
International Review of Social History, 67, 1 (2022) 129-135.
A review of John L. Campbell and John A. Hall, What capitalism needs. Forgotten lessons of great economists, (Cambridge 2021)
I published the text on my Researchgate-site
The wealth and power of nations. Japan and the idea ‘Rich nation strong army’, 1868-1937.
Journal of Global History, 17, 1 (2022) 151-158.
Patrick O'Brien on industrialisation, little Britain and the wider world.
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung,31,5-6 (2021) 672-677.
A review of: Andrew B. Liu, Tea war. A history of capitalism in China and India (New Haven /London 2020).
Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 47, 4 (2020) 724-726.
A review of: Guido Alfani and Matteo di Tullio, The lion’s share. Inequality and the rise of the fiscal state in preindustrial Europe Cambridge Studies in Economic History (Cambridge 2019).
International Review of Social History, 64, 1 (2019) 111-121
The prospects of global history. Personal reflections of an old believer. A response to James Belich, John Darwin, Margaret Frenz, Chris Wickham, eds., 'The prospect of Global History' (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016).
International Review of Social History, 62, 1 (2017) 131-147
Inevitable decline? A review of Bas van Bavel, 'The invisible hand. How market economies have emerged and declined since AD 500' (Oxford 2016).
The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 14, 1 (2017) 105-113
A market of Ideas? An extended version of the review, on request, of Joel Mokyr, 'A culture of growth. The origins of the modern economy' (Princeton, 2016)
Web edition of Foreign Affairs, 8-12-2016
A review, on request, of Joel Mokyr, 'A culture of growth. The origins of the modern economy' (Princeton, 2016)
Journal of World History, 28, 1, (2017) 131-140
Cotton, capitalism and coercion. Some comments on Sven Beckert, 'Empire of cotton. A new history of global capitalism'.
Journal of Economic History, 77, 2 (2017) 632-634
A review of Tonio Andrade, 'The Gunpowder Age. China, military innovation and the rise of the West in global history'.
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 103, 2 (2016) 275-276
A review of Florian Shui, 'Austerität: Politik der Sparsamkeit: Die kurze Geschichte eines grossen Fehlers'.
Historische Mitteilungen der Ranke-Gesellschaft 28 (2016) 249-297
What we do and do not know about the Great Divergence at the beginning of 2016.
Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 12, 2 (2015) 105-120
Reply to my commentators.
A response to the reviews of 9 colleagues of my 'Escaping poverty. The origins of modern economic growth'.
A response to the reviews of 9 colleagues of my 'Escaping poverty. The origins of modern economic growth'.
https://shared-histories.coe.int. An article in a e-book published by the Council of Europe (2014) 868-887
Encounters between Europe and the World. https://shared-histories.coe.int
Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11, 1 (2014) 127-140
Bringing labour back in. Reflections on Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly, 'Worthy efforts: attitudes towards work and workers in preindustrial Europe' and on the origins of modern economic growth.
Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9, 3 (2012) 74-93
Does wealth entirely depend on inclusive institutions and pluralist politics? A review of Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, 'Why nations fail. The origins of power, prosperity and poverty'.
Journal of World History 23, 1 (2012) 639-664.
Challenges, (non-)responses, and politics: A review of Prasannan Parthasarathi, 'Why Europe grew rich and Asia did not: Global economic divergence, 1600-1850'.
Journal of Global History 7, 1 (2012) 143-147
A review of Ian Morris, 'Why the West rules - for now. The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future'.
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. 20, 6 (2010) 20-39.
A review article of Jürgen Osterhammel, 'Die Verwandlung der Welt. Eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts' (München, 2009)
History Compass 8 (2010) 730-751
The California School and beyond: how to study the Great Divergence?
This is a revised version of the article with the same title that appeared earlier in: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik / Austrian Journal of Development Studies, 24, 4 (2008) 6-49
This is a revised version of the article with the same title that appeared earlier in: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik / Austrian Journal of Development Studies, 24, 4 (2008) 6-49
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften / Austrian Journal of History 20, 2 (2009) 133-170
Global economic history: a survey
Journal für Entwicklungspolitik / Austrian Journal of Development Studies 24, 4 (2008) 6-49
The California School and beyond: how to study the Great Divergence?
World History Connected, E-journal, vol. 2, issue 2, 2005
Is California the measure of all things global?: a rejoinder to Ricardo Duchesne.
A response to Duchesne’s review of my Via Peking back to Manchester. Britain, the Industrial Revolution, and China. Read here ….
A response to Duchesne’s review of my Via Peking back to Manchester. Britain, the Industrial Revolution, and China. Read here ….
Leidschrift 18, 2 (2003) 109-167
Hoe Malthus, uiteindelijk, ongelijk kreeg. De Industriële Revolutie in Engeland als het doorbreken van het Malthusiaans plafond.
(How Malthus, in the end, was proved wrong. The Industrial Revolution as an escape from Malthusian constraints).
(How Malthus, in the end, was proved wrong. The Industrial Revolution as an escape from Malthusian constraints).
Journal of World History 13, 1 (2002) 67-138
Governing growth: a comparative analysis of the role of the state in the rise of the West
NEHA Jaarboek 64 (2001) 28-60
The role of culture and institutions in economic history: can economics be of any help?
Also published on the net of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Also published on the net of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Journal of World History 12, 2 (2001) 407-446
Are coal and colonies really crucial? Kenneth Pomeranz and the Great Divergence.
Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History 22, 4 (1998) 67-89
Culture, clocks, and comparative costs. David Landes on the wealth of the West and the poverty of the rest.
A review-article of David S. Landes, 'The wealth and poverty of nations. Why some are so rich and some so poor', (London and New York 1998). Landes reacted and I responded (pages 16- 22) in Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History 23, 1 (1999).
A review-article of David S. Landes, 'The wealth and poverty of nations. Why some are so rich and some so poor', (London and New York 1998). Landes reacted and I responded (pages 16- 22) in Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History 23, 1 (1999).
Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History, 22, 3 (1998) 19-38
Should we really ReORIENT?
A review-article of Andre Gunder Frank, 'ReOrient. Global economy in the Asian Age' (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London 1998). Frank reacted and I responded (pages 16-24) in Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History, 22, 4 (1998).
A review-article of Andre Gunder Frank, 'ReOrient. Global economy in the Asian Age' (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London 1998). Frank reacted and I responded (pages 16-24) in Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History, 22, 4 (1998).
Chapters in books
Jan-Otmar Hesse and others, Moderner Kapitalismus: Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenshistorische Beiträge (Heidelberg, 2019) 363-380.
Was Meiji Japan capitalist?
R.C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh and P. Terhorst eds. Handbook Geographies of Globalisation. (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton, 2018) 17-42
A very brief history of economic globalisation since Columbus.
Giorgio Riello and Tirthankar Roy eds. Global Economic history (Bloomsbury, London, 2018) 299-318
Europe in the world 1500-2000.
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit. E-book by Brill Publishers, 2017
Great Divergence
Philipp Rössner, ed., Economic Growth and the origins of modern political economy: economic reasons of state, 1500- 2000 (Abingdon, Oxon and New York, 2016) 204-220.
Economic reasons of state in Qing China: a brief comparative overview.
Catia Antunes and Karwan Fatah-Black, eds., Explorations in globalization and history (Abingdon, Oxon and New York, 2016) 155-176.
States: a subject in global history.
Peter Rauscher, Andrea Serles, Thomas Winkelbauer, eds., Das "Blut des Staatskörpers". Forschungen zur Finanzgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, Historische Zeitschrift. Beiheft 56 (Munich 2012) 209-257.
Die Staatsfinanzen Chinas und Großbritanniens im langen 18. Jahrhundert. Ein Vergleich.
The article has also been published, in English, as a working paper on the website of the Department of Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science
‘Public Finance in China and Britain in the Long Eighteenth Century’.
The article has also been published, in English, as a working paper on the website of the Department of Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science
‘Public Finance in China and Britain in the Long Eighteenth Century’.
Guillaume Garner and Matthias Middell, eds., Aufbruch in die Weltwirtschaft. Braudel wiedergelesen (Leipzig 2012) 81-144
Europe and the rest: Braudel on capitalism.
Li Zhang ed., Economic globalization from the perspective of history: The first economic globalization and China, in Chinese. (Zhejiang University Press, 2012) 243-281
Qing China and Great Britain.
Jean-Claude Daumas, ed., L'histoire économique en mouvement: entre héritage et renouvellement (Presses Universitaires Septentrion, Villeneuve d’Ascq 2012) 311-339
Un monde de ressemblances surprenantes?
The Oxford History of Historical Writing. Volume V (Oxford 2011) 113-136.
Global economic history.
This is an adapted version of my ‘Global economic history: a survey’, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften / Austrian Journal of History 20, 2 (2009) 133-170.
This is an adapted version of my ‘Global economic history: a survey’, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften / Austrian Journal of History 20, 2 (2009) 133-170.
Markus Cerman a.o. eds., Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Europa 1000-2000 (Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen 2011) 76-103.
Wirtschaftswachstum in Europa, 1000-2000.
Markus Cerman a.o. eds., Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Europa 1000-2000 (Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen 2011) 411-438.
Europa und die Welt, 1000-2000.
H. Beliën en G.J. van Setten, eds., Geschiedschrijving in de twintigste eeuw. Discussie zonder eind
(History in the twentieth century: a debate without end)
(Amsterdam 2001; first edition Amsterdam 1991) pages 181-222, 223- 239 and 301-341. The book has gone through three editions.
I wrote chapters on the Annales, on historical sociology and on ‘the return of the narrative’.
Various authors, Van agrarische samenleving naar verzorgingsstaat. De modernisering van West Europa.(Groningen 2000; first edition Groningen 1987).
From agrarian society to welfare state. The modernization of Western Europe.
The book has gone through three editions and big changes and has been translated in Hungarian and Russian.
Three chapters on the economy of early modern Western Europe pages 51-134.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften / Austrian Journal of History 20, 2 (2009) 170-183
I would be flattered to think that anyone saw me as globally broad-minded.
An interview with Felipe Fernández-Armesto.
Read here
An interview with Felipe Fernández-Armesto.
Read here
Leidschrift 15, nr. 2., 2000, 87-104
Late medieval and early modern towns as focal points of market power.
An interview with Stephan Epstein, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
An interview with Stephan Epstein, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
Leidschrift 15, nr. 2., 2000, 105-116
Cities as centers of creative activity.
An interview with Jan de Vries, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
An interview with Jan de Vries, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History 23, 3/4, 1999, 9-24
Itinerario. European Journal of Overseas History 22, 1, 1998, 9-21
I think knowledge-systems are very important.
An interview with Jack Goody, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
An interview with Jack Goody, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
Leidschrift 11, nr. 3, 1996, 39-54
In some ways this is a very Victorian enterprise.
An interview with Michael Mann, together with Wim Blockmans.
Read here
An interview with Michael Mann, together with Wim Blockmans.
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Leidschrift, 11, nr. 3, 1996, 55-72
The shape of Europe by about 1300 is very much the foundation of what we have now.
An interview with Robert Bartlett, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
An interview with Robert Bartlett, together with Peter Hoppenbrouwers.
Read here
Leidschrift 9, nr. 1, 1992, 5-22
I would not describe myself as an economic historian.
An interview with Jonathan Israel, together with Birgit van den Hoven.
Read here
An interview with Jonathan Israel, together with Birgit van den Hoven.
Read here
Leidschrift 9, nr. 1, 1992, 23-40
I proudly call myself a car-carrying economic historian.
An interview with Jan de Vries, together with Herman Roozenbeek.
Read here
An interview with Jan de Vries, together with Herman Roozenbeek.
Read here
Leidschrift 8, nr. 2, 1992, 9-26
As a matter of fact there are very few nation-states.
An interview with Charles Tilly together with Birgit van den Hoven.
Read here
An interview with Charles Tilly together with Birgit van den Hoven.
Read here
Leidschrift 8, nr. 2, 1992, 27-42
The future belongs to bigger entities.
An interview with Eric Hobsbawm, together with Marjolein van Rotterdam.
Read here
An interview with Eric Hobsbawm, together with Marjolein van Rotterdam.
Read here
Leidschrift 7, nr. 3, 1990, 93-108
Fascism's strength was its democratie strength.
An interview with George Mosse, together with Chris Quispel.
Read here
An interview with George Mosse, together with Chris Quispel.
Read here
Leidschrift 7, nr. 2, 1991, 71-84
We are heading for a more global history.
An interview with Peter Burke, together with Wilma Goossen.
Read here
An interview with Peter Burke, together with Wilma Goossen.
Read here
Leidschrift 6, nr. 2, 1990, 99-113
Leidschrift 3, nr. 1, 1986, 38-61
De Spaanse Burgeroorlog.
An interview with Rudolf de Jong, together with Marjolein van Bellen.
Read here
An interview with Rudolf de Jong, together with Marjolein van Bellen.
Read here
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